Monday, December 11

Our Obese Society

 A year and a half ago, maybe two, I weighed somewhere between 250-260 on a 6'1" frame...  which put me into the category of being obese.

Last year, I had managed to reduce my weight down to 220-224 and that weight stayed around for a while, so I thought that was the best that I could do.

Today, my weight is between 212-214 and while I like the way I feel nowadays, I would like to get down to 205.

At 205, I will still be overweight but not obese.

Somewhere between the ages of 50-60, I stopped being as active as I had been but continued to eat.  I just did not care that much about the extra weight or how it made me free.

However, when I was diagnosed with cancer and started taking chemo, I was given steroids to prevent nausea and while that worked, it caused my weight to continue to increase.

A few years ago, I went from chemo to immunotherapy and as a result no longer needed to take steroids and it is then I consciously began focusing on my weight.

Exercise does not help one lose weight.  It maintains the weight that was lost by NOT EATING AS MUCH and eating the right things.

I no longer eat red meat, fried foods, sugars, or drink alcohol.  I eat fish, chicken, turkey, beans, and lots of vegetables.  I like Salmon, Cod, and Tuna and have gotten used to eating Turkey Hot Dogs and Turkey Burgers.

We have a problem of obesity in the USA and while I was not obese until way after age 60, I see children and teenagers that are already obese and I wonder about their health and if we have the resources to take care of a bunch of people who are FAT AND SICK.

When I was working at ITT Technical Institute, we had two instructors there who were extremely obese.  One was in his 40s and the other was in his 60s and they both died on the operating table due to complications from being obese.  Both had gone in for a routine operation.

I hope this article causes you to think about your weight if you are obese.  Now is the time to do something about it.

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