Friday, December 15

Better Off Today than in 2020?

 When I watch FOX News each morning, a reoccurring theme is how many to most Americans are worse off today than they were in 2020...  and, this is blamed on Biden because he shut down the XL Pipeline project, allowed illegal immigrants to pour through our borders, and put so much money into the economy that it caused inflation and layoffs...

Biden blames all his problems on Trump because if Trump had not done what he did then Biden would not have had to do what he did.  Somehow that logic does not make sense to me, but that is what his administration is saying.

Granted, food prices have gone up and come down a little and gas prices have gone up and come down a little.  When we go out to a restaurant for brunch or dinner, we are paying $20 more than we used to pay.

But, we are using the same amount of money today each month that we were using in 2020... so, from a financial standpoint, I do not feel any financial pain.  However, there are other people who have claimed that they are in a great deal of financial pain since Biden took office...  and, there are retired people who have stated they have had to get a part time job.

I am sure they are telling the truth, but you don't know the specifics of their lifestyle and there might have been areas that they could have cut back...

In other words, I know that prices have increased but that increase has cause no burdens on us and we are spending overall what we used to spend and we are saving overall what we used to save.

I am against the Democrats because I don't support the green energy movement and believe our economy would be better off if we drilled for all the oil we could find.

I am also against illegal immigration.

I am also against our high and increasing National Debt

So, my point is this....  we are worse off today than in 2020 but not everyone feels the pain...

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