Monday, November 7

Tomorrow Means CHANGE

The residents of East TN have an expression:  WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND...  and, it is my belief that this expression is going to be in full bloom by the end of today...  election day for the midterms...

Once the general public takes into consideration the following:  inflation, immigration, gas prices, crime and violence, unemployment, a non growth economy, and the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle just to name a few...   the democrats are literally going to get their asses kicked at the polls and that will be the end of;

  • Pelosi
  • Schumer
  • Schiff
  • Nadler
The four horse persons of mediocrity...

Now I am not normally a person who wants revenge or payback...  but, in this case I will make an exception...

If you want to watch the TRUTH on the news watch FOX News...  It has led the rating war for over 88 weeks in a row...  over CNN and MSNBC mostly but also CBS and ABC...  people are tired of all the lies that the dems spit out of their mouths like vomit.

Now, I don't want Trump to run for President in 2024 but after all the shit that they have done to him, his family, and those who worked with him, I think this country deserves a little REVENGE...  and, I hope he does run and CLEANS HOUSE...  starting with the FBI.

I have not figured out who is pulling Biden's strings because I know he is not smart enough to have thought all of this up on his own...  Maybe Obama or maybe George SOROS...   I doubt if the adulterer Clinton has had any input into this fiasco becasue he could have talked his way out of it...  lol

But after the midterms,
  • Gasoline will be back online
  • The border wall will be finished
  • Illegals will be kicked out
  • Police Depts will be funded again
  • illegal drugs will reduce
  • Our economy will grow
  • Putin will be told to go screw himself
  • China will be placed into check
  • NOKO will be told to shut up
  • CRT will not be taught in schools
  • abortions will still be allowed
  • twitter will promote free speech
  • our WOKE military will change back
  • gays will still be able to get married
  • blacks will still be able to become wealthy

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