Monday, November 7

Ignorance is Bliss

What this means is...  if you don't know something then you don't worry about it...

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and NBC do not report all the news so that you, the viewer, will be ignorant and not worry about...

  1. Many Dems dont think we have an immigration problem because the Republicans invented it...
  2. Many Dems don't think that we have an inflation problem because the Republicans invented it...
  3. Many Dems don't think we have a crime and violence problem because the Republicans invented it...
  4. Many Dems don't think we have a fentanyl problem because the Republicans invented it...
  5. Many Dems think our economy is perfect because Joe Biden claims that it is healthy as hell...

It amazes me how 50% of the people think the Reblicans are the ones who caused all the problems that don't really exist...  and, that it actually comes from Donald Trump although he has not been in office for over 2 years...  his actions caused all of this...

Many Democrats still think Trump colluded with Russia even though the Democratic DOJ cleared him of all wrong doing...   these idiots still believe what they heard on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS...

Do you now see how ignorance is bliss works???


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