Wednesday, November 23

Gratitude or Gratefulness?

GRATITUDE means being thankful.

GRATEFULNESSS means showing appreciation for being thankful.

We think of these two words as two different concepts but they are not...  they are one in the same.

We think of showing gratitude because we are thankful that we have been given life and we attribute that gift to God.   However, can we not be thankful for life without giving the credit to God?

Obviously, there is some sort of creator...  I mean that is a logical conclusion to draw, especially in light of the government admitting that they have been dealing with UFOs since 1947.  I would say that this is pretty good evidence of there being alien life and pretty good proof that aliens were somehow involved with the creation of the universe and everything inside the universe.

Yet...  despite all of that logic, one can still have gratitude and be grateful.

Not only are we thankful for the life that we have been given.  But, we are thankful for that life being in the United States of America as opposed to being born in another country.

I would also suspect that we are thankful for our spouse and our children, if we have any...  not to mention, our good health, if we have that as well.

I'm in a little bit of a different situation, as for the last 15 years, I have and continue to be treated for two different cancers...  and, I am still alive...  I survived a serious heart attack 15 years ago as well.  Recently, I had 5 disks fused and I survived that operation as well and am almost back to normal when I walk....

Those three things alone is enough to be thankful for and show one's gratitude.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow...  and, the holiday was created because the first colonists in this new land survived the winter and were thankful for that survival.  They showed their thanks by preparing food and sharing it with the Native Americans...

Until something terrible happens to you, I am not sure if you can fully appreciate the concept of thankfulness and showing gratitude.


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