Monday, November 7

A Polite Warning


I am retired, a vietnam veteran, a southerner, a tarheel, well educated, well traveled, well loved, well experienced, a cat lover, conservative with some liberal views, 75 years of age, married, a heart attack survivor, a cancer survivor (still being treated), lumbar fusion surgery survivor, creative writer, novelist, world traveler, born under the sign of scorpion, and an INTJ who does not GIVE A SHIT whether you read this blog or not.

I have tried several directions in order to attract attention, none of which has worked very well...  so since I prefer to write novels, I will post only one superficial article a day that you might or might not want to read.  I will post some kind of image with that article and I may write something myself...  but, I am not spending anymore time than that on this blog.

I will continue to post one poem a day on my Reflections blog as I have been doing for several years now.  Writing one poem a day is a piece of cake and takes very little time and is rather entertaining to capture my feeling in a poetic style.

But, this Journal Blog, will be given a minimal amount of attention...  about the same amount of attention that it has been given...  it's nothing personal, it is just me making sure that there is a good return on my invested time.

When you get to be 75, you can afford to have an I don't give a shit attitude...

Keep the faith...

PS - the use of warning was just to see if I could get your attention...

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