Tuesday, November 8

Midterm Election Day


I stopped voting sometime between 1990 and 2000 and I cannot remember anything more specific than that in the sense of did I stop cold turkey or gradually.

I do know why I stopped and it is because NOTHING EVER CHANGED regardless of whether a Democratic won or a Republican won...

If nothing changed, why did I need to vote?

My involvement with politics began in the 1960 with John F. Kennedy and the same issues that we had back then, we still have in 2022...  WHY?

We have had plenty of Demcrats in power and plenty of Republicans in power so that these issues could be resolved and yet NOTHING CHANGES...

We still have:

  1. Racism
  2. Crime and Violence
  3. Increasing Drugs
  4. Higher Prices
  5. Wage Issues
  6. Sheltering Income
  7. National Debt Increasing
  8. Loss of Global Respect
  9. Wealthy versus Poor
  10. Double Standards
  11. Not Caring about Veterans
  12. Problems with Education
  13. Loss of Morals
  14. Loss of Integrity

Again, for the last 50+ years, the problems have not been resolved...  it feels like none of the politicians actually want to solve the problems...

The only things that have changed are  TECHNOLOGY and the VALUE OF THE DOLLAR...

Why don't the Republicans solve our problems?
Why don't the Democrats solve our problems?

I am 75 years old....  born in 1947, so I am not speculating...   I have actually lived in the 1960s and am currently living in the 2000s.

Politics in the USA is PATHETIC...

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