Tuesday, November 8


Fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and discovered that I had experienced a heart attack while walking on the treadmill.  Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with a second cancer, Melanoma, and the two cancers were treated simultaneously.  Because I had 2 cancers I was not eligible to participate in any clinical trials.

This past year, I underwent surgery to fuse 5 lumbar disks together and have spent the last five months learning how to walk again and walk up a flight of stairs both of which were unanticipated.

At 75 years old, these last 15 years has, needless to say, been interesting.

Sickness after treatment has stopped ever since I switched from chemo to immunotherapies for my two cancers, that I have been told I will have for the rest of my life.

In another 15 years, I will be 90 and I am sure that my physical abilities will be limited, even if I continue to walk a mile each day, which is what I am doing now, except on Sundays.

My perspective on life is no doubt different than your perspectives...   that is not to say that our different perspectives are right or wrong, just different.

I intentionally try to stay away from stressful situations and if I do find myself in one of those situations, then I try to maintain a "I don't give a shit" attitude.

As I write this piece, I am watching FOX News and the whole show is focused on the midterms...  while I am a reformed Democrat but not a full fledged Republican yet I lean in a conservative direction, I really don't care about what happens...

If the lack of gasoline forces my wife and I to purchase an electric car, then we will buy the cheapest car we can and simply stop driving as much...  just where we have to go...  by the time this change actually happens to us, we will be well over the age of 80...  how many places do you think we will want to drive to at that age???  I mean really???

If our economy gets better or worse, it just will not bother us as we will adjust our purchases and our needs...  We will simply survive and BLAME NO ONE...

This is a stress free perspective...

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