Sunday, August 14

You Only Live Once

Only living once is a Christian philosophy in that all other lives will be lived in heaven or hell...  if either one of them actually exists...  which is doubtful...  however, the human race does have a creator, it is just not the creator that is spoken about in The Bible.

There is a poem that my mother liked that addressed this subject of only living once...

I burn my candle at both ends

it may not last the night

but ah my friends

and woe my foes

it gives a pretty light...  Edna St. Vincent Millay

For those of us who are in our 60s, 70s, & 80s and who have lived life as if we only had one life to live, we tend to regret that decision later in life because the means do not justify the ends...  and we hate looking back, saying I wished that I had not of done that...  but, it is always too late when one looks back...

So, what does YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE mean?

It means appreciate the life that you have been given and be thankful every day that you have been given that life...

And, believe me you can appreciate life without drugs and/or alcohol to take the edge off...

  • the beauty of a sunset
  • the beauty of a sunrise
  • the mesmerizing quality of oceans waves coming into the shoreline
  • the flight of seagulls
  • the majesty of an eagle in flight
  • the playfulness of a kitten
  • a mother feeding her baby
  • the colors of fall leaves
  • the smell of magnolia flower

Instead, we think we need money and more money and even more money...  and, we use this money to purchase large homes, expensive vehicles, expensive clothes, go to expensive restaurants, and take expensive vacations...  and, in so doing, we too are only living once...  and, making the most of it...  how pitiful are we?  Rhetorical question...

With that attitude we

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