Wednesday, August 3

Marketing Works... BUT...


For the last 4/5 decades, it has proven with data collected that when a company advertisers, regardless of the economic environment, that the consumer will continue to buy and buy that specific product that is being advertised.

However, for me, it spells out something different which is that that company's product is not selling and that has prompted the increase in adertising.

Two particular products come to misnd:

  • My Pillow (my slippers)
  • Balance of Nature
I don't have anything against these product or the companies, but too much advertising signals a problem.  For me, it means that the product is not selling and they are trying to turn over their inventory.

My Pillow may be made in the USA but My Slippers are made overseas so right away one questions the quality.

With Balance of Nature, the advertising makes the assertion that 10 servings of fruits and veges are required daily...  that is simply NOT TRUE.
  • RDA for Veges is 3 daily servings
  • RDA for Fruits is 2 daily servings

Once I find that an advertiser is promoting false information, it makes me question the entire advertising ascertion.

In an era where there is so much misinformation in the media and when even Congress promotes a NON TRUTH and is will to impeach a President over a NON TRUTH, it makes me pay attention to what the hell is going on in society.

One day we will pay the price for all this misinformation but until then it is up to the general public to think smart and investigate all they hear...   and maybe then buy....

  • Look up the pros/cons of solar panels
  • Look up the pros/cons of electric vehicles
  • Look up Hunter Biden's connection to China

Did you know that the buildings that are being used to make solar panels ARE NOT USING SOLAR ENERGY???

The celebrities that are against the SECOND AMENDMENT have hired private security that are carrying guns because of the second amendment...

China, Russia, India have no intentions of spending billions of dollars going GREEN...  Won't that undermine our efforts?

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