Thursday, August 4

Lumbar Fusion Progress


Yesterday, marked 8 weeks since I had surgery to fuse together L2-L3-L4-L5-S1 but instead of meeting with the surgeon, I met with one of his NPs who has been well schooled and well instructed on what to do with patients like me.

My left hip pain was of some concern, so I am being sent to a therapist for 1 session to analyze the current parameters of my left hip and to instruct me in exercises that should eliminate that discomfort.

I was told not to mow the lawn anymore with the riding lawn mower even though I have already mowed it twice.  I was instructed not to bend over at the waist a lot but I could put on socks and shoes and tie the shoes.  I was also told not to lift anything more than 20 pounds.

While the NP would not confirm or deny that I would be sent to physical therapy sometime after my 12th week, the NP did say that by the end of the 12th week I should be walking 3 miles a day...  I am currently walking about 1.3 to 1.5 a day...  so I have until the end of this month to increase that.

All in all, my progress, including my ability to walk without assistance is in line with the progress I should have made by this time...  so I am neither ahead nor behind but right on the money...  as they say...

I am to come back at the end of September for another looksee either by the NP or by the surgeon depending upon who is available.  They will take more x-rays to make sure that all the metal in my body is still in the exact location that it should be in...

I suppose I am pleased and I am...  it is just that I was hoping that I would be farther along than I am...  but I am not supposed to be farther along than am I which is depressing because of all the current limitations.  It looks like their end result goal is 6 months from surgery and I should be back to normal with some minimal movement restrictions.

That 6-month goal for me would be end of November.

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