Monday, August 15

Controlling the Masses

I live in a conservative state so almost everyone around me is of the same conservative mentality...  and, I would suspect the same is true of those living in a liberal state.

However...  my basic foundation is liberal in that I am not really in favor of people owning guns and I believe that women have the ultimate right to decide how they want to treat their bodies as far as abortion is concerned.

BUT...  when it comes to fiscal responsibility, I believe that no one should be in debt, not individuals, not families, not the government, and certainly not business...  even though I do understand that almost all businesses use leverage to expand their companies.

Government should be small and provide only those services that are so stated in the constitution that they should provide...  and that's it!!!

  • The US is well beyond that desire as we already have:
  • public education
  • public transportation
  • public housing
  • unemployment insurance
  • welfare
  • medicare
  • social security

I don't believe that the wealthy should be responsible for paying for social programs for the rest of us...  although, I do believe that EVERYONE should pay their fair share of taxes and that no monies should be sheltered away from taxes in offshore bank accounts.

Our free market enterprise system will ALWAYS create winners and losers and the wealthy and the poor...  and, if our government does its job correctly, it will create a middle class between the two extremes... this is the way capitalism should work.

We will always have pockets of discontent in this country and we should not cater to their demands just because they bitch loudy.

Politicians should do what is right for the country, not for themselves or for their parties...  but that never happens in reality... and, that is why we have all the political fighting that is going on in this country today because the people are tired of all the bullshit.

At some point in time, our system will break down and the people will begin to fight themselves out of anger and frustration...  and, the only people that will be untouched by all of this are the WEALTHY...  who are the ones who orchestrated all this shit...

It is time that we voiced our concerns...

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