Saturday, August 13

Age of Problems


Yesterday, I saw my physical therapist for my left hip area because my Orthopedic surgeon thinks I may have bursitis...  my first visit to the therapist confirmed the bursitis diagnosis and for two days, I had heat, massage, and a couple of exercises.  But, yesterday, the therapist discovered that my left hip area and leg were not moving properly so he performed stretching movements that were not as pleasant as the other stuff that was done to me...  in fact, it HURT...  and, I don't hurt easily.

He told me that I probably walked when I should not have walked...  when I was limping and my leg compensated by tightening up...  and then the tightening up allowed bursitis to enter...  viola...  therapy.

I feel like a car that is 10 years old and when one part of the motor is fixed or replaced another part craps out on you...

So, back problems lead to hip problems that will probably lead to knee problems that will cause shoulder problems to develop because I am walking with a cane.

What is interesting here is that my Orthopedic NP sent me for one day of therapy only but the way she wrote the prescription, it was up to the therapist as to how long the therapy should last...  and insurance is good with that...  go figure?

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