Wednesday, July 13

What Do We Do?


9% Inflation...

Thanks to the policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats...

So, how do middle class Americans deal with this shit?

  • We spend less
  • We buy less
  • We travel less
  • We find cheaper substitutes
  • We save less
  • We invest less
  • We find alternatives

Personally, my wife and I will not drive our cars as much.  We will make appointments on the same day instead of two.  We will not go on vacations as much.  We will buy cheaper products at the grocery stores that may not taste as good or last as long.  We are growing our own veges in our backyard.  We will not go to restaurants as often or movies either.  We will not spend as much money in general so that we can continue with our level of savings.

Instead of going to the Community Center to exercise where we have to pay, we will walk around our community earlier in the day to avoid the humidity and pay absolutely nothing...

We have talked with others in our same or similar situation and all of them have said the same thing basically...  if this holds true throughout the state and other states, then our economy is in for a huge slowdown...  and, that slowdown will cause businesses to layoff workers (and perhaps close).  Laid off workers will spend less and cause the government to pay out more in unemployment insurance.

Things for the middle class will only get WORSE...

the wealthy will hardly notice a change at all... as they have so much money they will continue to live like they are living now, looking down their noses at all of us who have to make adjustments...  not offering to help at all because we all have an equal chance at being like them...  or at least that is what they think...

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