Saturday, July 16

Staying Healthy

Each day, I walk a mile split up in two sessions where I walk half a mile during each session.  My desire to do this is because of back surgery 5 weeks ago...  but, it should have always been done rather than sitting around all day working on a computer...

In 1987, at the age of 40, I quit smoking cigarettes after smoking for 20 years and consuming 1-2 packs a day.  Also, I stopped (with moderate success) eating red meat and drinking alcohol, focusing instead on fish, chicken, beans, veges, and fruits.  I also started walking for 90 minutes each day or about 3 miles.

I limped along with this goal until age 60, when I suffered a heart attack, and then my focus on my lifestyle was acute and determined.

For me...

HEALTH is more important than WEALTH and hopefully you will learn from my mistakes...

While my back surgery was not a result of me being inactive, but a result of old age, it could have been worse if I had not been in good health...  my recovery could take me 6-18 months to return to my previous physical condition.

That's a long frigging time and it is not easy to stay focused on the goal since it is so far out in the future...  but, that is what I must do...  

Small improvements each day...  not large ones is my new focus...

Regardless of my back issues...

  • exercising is important
  • eating the right food is important
  • relaxing is important
  • work and recreation are important
  • stress management is important
  • maintaining friendships is important
  • determination is important
  • discipline is important
Obviously, we are only given one body and obviously there are pre-existing conditions inside our body at birth...  but, aside from all of that...  we can still HONOR OUR BODIES by treating them in an appropriate manner...


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