Wednesday, July 20

Having and Using the Mind is Wonderful - Part II

From Part I (even though it was not labeled as Part I), we touched on purpose, and the complexities of the human body, and were left with the realization that there might be other forms of life in our solar system and/or Milky Way galaxy and/or our universe...  we were left to ponder on the concept and through a little introspection decide if we believed that or not.

Sadly some of you who read the first part do not agree with me, but there are some of you that do agree with me...  so lets proceed.

There are an increasing number of scientists that not only believe in UFOs but who believe extraterrestrials or aliens...  and, I suppose one could say that UFOs don't fly themselves...  but yes they can...  so we actually have two distinct events here.

  • UFOs
  • Aliens

Now, once you have agreed to aliens...  then you face another challenge as to whether or not these aliens have visited earth before...   and, once you get over that hurdle, you have to decide if these aliens bred with both males and females from our human race...  if that conclusion is in the affirmative, then there must be alien/human race offsprings.

These are some difficult conclusions to make based entirely upon logic and speculation.

Some DNA specialists are now saying that our own human race evolution has been far too fast to get to where we are today...  and, there is speculation that aliens altered our DNA so that we would advance/evolve faster.

How is it that we are able to have only a handful of very smart people, like:
  • Einstein
  • DaVinci
  • Michaelangelo
  • Von Braun
  • Turing
  • Tesla

The United States went from the atomic bomb to space flight in 12 years (1957) and to space travel in 16 years (1961)...  this is accelerated knowledge and technology that had to come from somewhere...

And, what is even more amazing is that the first functional digital computer was designed and used to break the German code in 1944 in Bletchley Park, England.


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