Monday, July 4

FOURTH of July Message

 As a retired American first and foremost, I am also a Vietnam Veteran, a southerner, and a Tarheel who is now living in East TN because it is cheaper to live here than most everywhere else...

I am a survivor of a heart attack, a cancer survivor, and a lumbar fusion surgery survivor...  who finally appreciates what this great country of ours has to offer...

FREEDOMS - is really what we have that no other country in the world offers its citizens...

  • Freedom to believe
  • Freedom to speak out
  • Freedom to write and publish
  • Freedom to protest
  • Freedom to vote
  • Freedom to educate
  • Freedom to travel freely
  • Freedom to work anywhere
  • Freedom to own property
  • Freedom to acquire debt
  • Freedom to exploit skills & abilities
  • Freedom to leave the country

United We Stand - Divided We Fall
Currently, we have a divided country primarily because of politics but secondarily because of wealth disparities...
If we continue to allow this division to keep us apart, then we are giving China the perfect opportunity to take away our global economic leadership position...
Our enemy is within, it is outside, and hopefully, we will soon see that and return to our united approach...

At 74 years of age, I trust I will never see the USA lose its position in the world because if it ever goes, then it will be virtually impossible to regain...  arrogance built us and it appears that arrogance will destroy us...

Only the wealthy will survive.

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