Tuesday, July 5

An Open Society

Open society is a term coined by French philosopher Henri Bergson in 1932 and describes a dynamic system inclined to moral universalism.  Bergson contrasted an open society with what he called a closed society, a closed system of law, morality or religion. Bergson suggests that if all traces of civilization were to disappear, the instincts of the closed society for including or excluding others would remain.

The idea of an open society was further developed during World War II by the Austrian-born British philosopher Karl Popper.  Popper saw it as part of a historical continuum reaching from the organic, tribal, or closed society, through the open society (marked by a critical attitude to tradition) to the abstract or depersonalized society lacking all face-to-face interaction transactions.

George SOROS who spends millions and millions of dollars on Democratic candidates in the US, believes in an open society...  For the US this would mean that EVERYTHING is available to everyone with no exceptions...  and, that we have no borders so that anyone who wants to enter the US can enter the US.

If one were to look at religion, then one can easily see that all religions operate on the basis of a closed society...  in that only Christians can be Christians and only Muslims can be Muslims...  so, in an open society there would be no need for religious classification...  one either believes or one does not believe and there is nothing specific from one religion to another.

Laws would operate the same way as there would be no personal property...  all land and personal property would simply belong to everyone...

In that same spirit of openness, the government would not keep any secrets from the people in an effort to protect trade deal negotiations...  everyone would know everything.

Another example of an open society is that there would be no ethnic groups...  no blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, etc...  we would all be human beings belonging to the human race.  The same would hold true for gender...  no differentiation between male and female.

I personally don't think that this stands a snowball's chance in hell of being accepted 100% by the people of the United States or by the citizens of every single other country in the world...  It is a philosophy that has been created for an intellectual debate among those who do not possess the intellect to have an intellectual debate on this topic or any other topic for that matter.

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