Wednesday, July 13

About my Novels


My first novel, Lord of the Harvest, was ten years in the making.  In 2015, when I first started writing it, I changed the name to The Cosmic Priesthood because there was an element of science fiction that I wanted to highlight.  When I decided to edit the novel for possible publication with Amazon KDP, I changed the name again to Earth's Hidden Keys: Cosmic Priests Break their Vows.
Twelve keys hidden on earth with each of the 12 major religions have to be collected and assembled by a deadline in order to save earth from destruction.  There are forces assembled to try and prevent that from happening and there are forces that are trying to help that happen.
At the same time, cosmic priests have decided to observe but not interfere...  yet there are some cosmic priest that covertly help both sides.
Will earth be saved?
Can earth be saved?

My second novel, Holding On, is about a billionaire who not only tries to capture the honey bee market but who deals in human trafficking, drugs, and illegal weapons.  He is pursued by the FBI and eventually is brought to trial but receives judgement before the jury renders a verdict.

My third novel, Beyond the Milky Way, returns to the cosmic priests and explores the adventures of how they help the human beings from earth who have colonized Mars and numerous other planets fight off the invaders from not just another galaxy but from another dimension.

My fourth novel, Operation Morning Expresso, took place in Paris, France and was a CIA adventure about an agent who had lost his memory due to a traffic accident and when he finally awoke and tried find his past, he discovered that he was really a double agent and had been planted into the CIA by Russian intelligence (FSB & KGB).  Due to a virus on my computer, chapters 4-12 were lost.  I have decided to reconstruct the missing chapter using the notes that I kept while writing, but will be changing the name to Deception in Paris.

My fifth novel, Operation Morning Desert, has 8 of 12 chapters completed, but before I continue with the remaining 4 chapters changed the name to, Hunting the Scorpion Scarab.  This novel is also a CIA spy novel set in Cairo, Egypt where the terrorist planning committee is located and led by the Scorpion Scarab.  The CIA agent is posing as a professor at the American University.

My sixth novel, The Ghost Dancer, has not been written yet but a detailed chapter by chapter outline has been created around which my writing will evolve.  The story focuses on Native American Reservations across the United States where fringe groups are involved in human and drug trafficking and a Native American FBI agent, Silas Longfellow Sahoka is tracking them down after they kidnapped his wife and children.

My seventh novel, Caucasian Born, is an autobiography of sorts, but mainly it is about what it is like to have been born white to a lower middle class family without any privileges at all other than my own motivation and determination.  I was not born a white supremacist, nor was I born into wealthy and privilege.  I had no advantages whatsoever even though I was white and refused to let anyone open any doors for me.  I dropped out of college and enlisted in the Navy and did not follow in my father's footsteps who was an officer in the military.  This novel will be my response to CRT, BLM, Cancel Culture, and the fact that I do not feel guilty because my ancestors may have been involved with slavery.

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