Tuesday, March 30

Thoughts of an Ordinary Kind

Very few people read my blogs, especially this one so I do not really care about what I write nor do I care if you like what I write or not...  but, the sad truth is that I am going to continue to do this because I am retired and writing articles that no one is going to read gives me something to do each day.  Besides, if I did have a large following and wrote something that offended someone, the WOKE Mob would do every thing in their power to cancel me out.  Of course, I would still write until they actually convinced BLOGGER to shut me down...  and if that happened, I would go to another free blog site and start another blog that no one would read...  So, I really don't have anything to lose.

Interestingly, having nothing to lose reminds me of a serial killer who believes that if s/he kills more than one person, then the State can only kill them once.  So, the killer has nothing to lose by killing more than one person.  I thought that was a concept with a little irony since most killers would like to stay in prison all their lives rather than be put to death...  but, this one killer had a different outlook.

Today's society is screwed up and the more screwed up it becomes the more people seem to like the way the county is heading.  Personally, I don't really care one way or another.  I am tired of the roller coaster that Politicians create...  like Dems put this into place and then the GOP does the opposite and then the Dems put back into place and the GOP does the opposite.  Nothing ever gets done.

We need ONE PARTY to control America like a DEMOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP where the Democrats are elected but then they have complete authority and power because there is NO PARTY to oppose them.  The media would like that as well because it would be totally clear who to BLAME if something goes wrong, since they would no longer be able to blame the previous party.

BUT...  I do like the Dems spending money...  and the more money they spend the better I like it.  It is like having a wealthy family member who wants to share some of their wealth with the rest of the family.

Oh well...  what does it matter since no one is going to read this anyway...  Gotta run folks...  but I will be here tomorrow for a little while post more thoughts that no one will read...   Damn, you gotta love being retired.

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