Saturday, March 13

Double Standards

My first exposure to this concept of double standards came when I was a young boy living in my parent's home and was often told:  DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO...  now, don't get me wrong, I love my parents and was very upset when they both passed away, but the fact remains they set the stage for me resenting those people who display or have behavior that represents a set of double standards.

A recent and flagrant example of this can be seen by looking back at the Kavanaugh hearings in the Senate and how many female legislatures, Kamala Harris in particular, were extremely vocal with their comments making the claim that they believed the females accusing Kavanaugh of sexual harassment instead of Kavanaugh who denied it...  Their claims revolved around the notion that because these women came forward they must be believed.

Now, Kamala Harris is SILENT when it comes to Governor Cuomo even though7 women have come forward and make accusations.

This is a BIG REASON why I am no longer a Democratic even though I have still retained all of my liberal attitudes and beliefs.

President Biden HATES TRUMP so much that neither he nor his administration is giving any credit to Trump for his WARP SPEED COVID VACCINE program...  in fact, they are saying that there were no vaccines when Biden started his Presidency even though he was vaccinated with the COVID vaccine before he took office.


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