Thursday, March 18

We Are Being Lead by LIARS


This is not conjecture...  it is truth...   and, this truth pertains to ALL POLITICIANS that is to say both Democrats and Republicans.  What they do is making promises while they are "running" for office and then once they are elected, they do not follow through with their promises.

When Trump was President, he did what he had promised...
Now that Biden is President, we are finding out that his promises are not being fulfilled...  that is to say Biden promised that he was a moderate, but his actions are showing that he is strongly being influenced by liberals...

In his defense, one could make the argument that Biden carefully made sure that he did not use the word "promise" and therefore, he did not lie...  but, he damn sure created the impression that he was going to be moderate as opposed to being liberal...  so, whether he used the word "promise" or not, he still mislead the American Public by playing semantics...  and his actions could certainly be construed as lying.

He said no new taxes and now he is considering a tax increase on everyone.
He said he would reform the immigration laws and he will not even talk about what is going on at the border.
He said he was going to unite the country and has done nothing that would bring Democrats and Republicans together.

A lie is a lie is a lie...  regardless of what word you use...

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