Monday, March 1

A Rainy Monday Morning


Woke up this morning and the rain was pouring down in East TN...  sometimes, one might get tired of rain, but the alternative of snow or freezing rain, makes just rain a lot easier to accept, especially when the temperatures are in the 50's.

Another morning begins with FOX NEWS...  the only news media outlet that presents ALL THE NEWS not just the news that they want to public to hear...
  • Cuomo is in trouble
  • Immigrants at the Border
  • Covid Relief that's not Covid Relief
  • An end of jobs
  • Higher Gasoline Prices
  • Iran wants sanctions removed before negotiations
  • Russians blamed for our problems
  • China gets a free pass
  • Children not in schools
  • Teachers Unions wants COVID shots first
  • Some States still locked down
  • Restaurants still not open in some cities
  • Criminal Felony charges removed on heroin and cocaine 
Elections has consequences...  and, it is true that the Democrats won the election...  but, will this Democratic Party with its progressive agendas be good or bad for the general public.  Only time will tell...  and, once we discover that these progressive agendas are not working will we do anything?


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