Tuesday, February 2

Liberals versus Conservatives

We basically have only two political parties in the USA...   the Democrats (liberal) and the Republicans (Conservative). and while some elected officials do not affiliate themselves with either political party, they typically vote with the liberals.  The liberals also represent more of the people than do the conservative because of all the FREE SERVICES that the liberals provide at the expense of the TAX PAYER even though the WEALTHY sometimes pay more taxes, unless they have found a way to shelter their money in off shore bank accounts.

ON THE SURFACE, there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving people FREE SERVICES but as with everything there are OPPORTUNITY COSTS as well as UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, the latter only showing up 5-10 years later so association is not that immediate or influencing or even cared about.

The biggest problem with FREE SERVICES is the DEBT that is created and like all debt it will eventually have to be paid off.  Future Generations will pay off our debt and if you care about the future, those unintended consequences will serious impact our children's children as well as their children...  but, we will be DEAD and will not experience these consequences.

The other issue facing the liberals is the fact that they believe in a SMALL MILITARY and in so doing can redirect money from DEFENSE into other SOCIAL PROGRAMS and while this might has been a good thing to do 20-30 years ago, it is not the best use of resources today...   especially with the growth of CHINA, INDIA, the Middle East, RUSSIA, and North Korea who sole purpose in life is now to CRUSH the USA both MILITARILY and ECONOMICALLY.

Ever since WWII, the USA has been trying to FORCE DEMOCRACY down the throats of the rest of the world because pour AMERICAN POLITICAL LEADERS since 1950 have believed that DEMOCRACY is the only form of government under which one should live...   consequently, the USA is RIGHT and the rest of the world is WRONG.

Ironically, THAT PISSED OFF THE REST OF THE WORLD...  and, these countries have decided collectively that they should put the USA in its place...  which is why the rest of the world HATES the USA even though they are will to take OUR MONEY, OUR AID, and OUR MILITARY SUPPORT if needed.

The Conservatives are willing to protect the USA with FORCE whereas the Liberals want to make PEACE with the rest of the world, allowing them to grow and build their defenses believing that they SOMEDAY they will attack the USA...  and quite possible WIN.

If we ever reach a point in the USA where only one political party controls, we will certainly LOSE OUR FUTURE.

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