Friday, February 5

Random Thoughts on a Friday


One would say that I am a North Carolinian by birth but I have only spent about 35 years in that State and the other 38 years outside of that State.  Tennessee is the next longest place in which I have lived with 30 years, going on 31 and it would appear that my life will end in this State as well.

Unlike the rest of the State, East TN, is a different place to live...  not really similar to Chattanooga, Nashville, or Memphis.  One might say or make the claim that we are closer to Western NC than the rest of Tennessee.  We are mainly a rural area with people who love to hunt, drive muscle cars, make moonshine, and smoke a little weed when the mood to do is upon us.

We don't much care for Government interference in our lives or telling us what to do and we have had very little respect for law enforcement, especially the highway patrol ever since I moved here in 1990.  But, what we do care about around here is our faith...  of which I am very supportive other than the concept of "BEING BORN AGAIN."

I have been Baptized twice in my life...  once by my parents when I was less than a year old and once by ME when I was in my 60's...  and, neither time, did I actually feel "born again," even though I BELIEVE...  and, have living examples of that belief by the shear fact that I have lived with CANCER for over 12 years...   actually, two cancers:  Lymphoma and Melanoma.

I am not a Democrat nor am I am Republican.

I am not a Conservative nor am I a Liberal.

However, I am a conservative liberal...  who supports both 1st and 2nd Amendments to the US Constitution...  and who does not believe that he was raised on WHITE PRIVILEGE...   I do not support the white supremacist movement nor do I support the black lives matter movements...  as both are an insult to our DEMOCRACY.


I am AGAINST illegal immigration

I am in favor of LOW TAXES

I am in favor of a STRONG MILITARY

I am in favor of STATES RIGHTS

I am in favor of a small federal government

AND...  while the northern states are up to their butts in snow and cold weather, East TN is in the high 40's low 50's today...  and, this area has everything open for business...  restaurants, schools, malls, stores...  etc.

We have no burning of our cities... and, probably never will...  we are different than the rest of the country which is one reason why I am here.

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