Wednesday, January 20

Writing Is What I Do

I maintain 4 blogs:
Reflections:  White Scorpio  --  for my poetry (old and new)
Bipolar Scorpion  --  for my perspectives good, bad, or indifferent
My Cancer Pilgrimage  --  for the documentation of my Lymphoma and Melanoma ongoing battles
My Journal  --  for my love of writing and to post whatever is on my mind

Except for Reflections, which has been around since 2009, I only have less than 1,000 people who have visited my other three blogs on a regular or semi regular basic, usually ranging, on average about 10 hits a day...  so, my readership is very small...  and, I could increase it if I knew more about how to promote blogs or if I was willing to pay a monthly fee which I am not.

I am retired.

I am not financially well off...  as they say

I have no hobbies or interests, other than writing.

I don't play golf.

I don't like to drink alcohol and because of chemo cannot drink alcohol.

I have nothing else to do but write.

writing is what I do and will do, regardless of the number of people who actually read my postings.  It is not about the reader but about me having something to do with my time...  Retirees die quickly after they retire if there is nothing something that they can do.

I do research on a variety of TOPICS, like:
  1. Psychology
  2. Philosophy
  3. Wealth Gap
  4. US Enemies
  5. Domestic Terrorism
  6. Terrorism
  7. Violence
  8. American Education
  9. STEM education
  10. Physics
  11. Retirement Planning
  12. Quality of Life
  13. Theoretical Physics
  14. Quantum Mechanics
  15. Astrophysics
  16. Extraterrestrials
  17. Aliens
  18. Religion
  19. Spirituality
  20. Politics
  21. Civil Disobedience
  22. Travel
  23. Cooking
  24. Art and Artists
  25. Forms of government
  26. Political Science
  27. Culture
  28. Medicine
  29. Entertainment
  30. Coffee
Of course, my list does not end there...  there are literally hundreds of issues and concepts about which to write, explore, and discovery new views and vantage points, sometimes teaching myself and sometimes teaching others, at least those who take time to read what I have to write.  And if no one reads at all...  no harm done...  as what I do is being done to keep me alive a little longer.

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