Tuesday, January 5


According to Niles Deneen of Deneen Pottery that makes personalized coffee mugs and cups with logos...

In case you didn’t know, Americans love coffee. And while we still lag behind our European friends in coffee consumption (the U.S. ranks 25th in coffee consumption at 4.2 kg of coffee consumed per person per year, Finland ranks 1st at 12 kg per person per year – according to World Atlas), the U.S. consumption has increased by an entire kilogram in the last five years, and there is no sign of that trend stopping.

The National Coffee Association produced a study this year and found that 64% of Americans drink coffee. Furthermore, 79% of people drinking coffee within the past day brewed coffee at home, compared to 75% in 2017 and 84% in 2012. It seems as though more people are starting to move towards making their coffee at home as opposed to going and purchasing it at a coffee shop (sorry Starbucks, but people are starting to opt for being their own baristas at home).

In fact, past day consumption of coffee prepared outside the home dropped from 40% in 2017 to 36% in 2018, though it remains at higher levels than found in 2012-2017.

It may have surprised you...  using the data from the National Coffee Association that 36% of Americans DO NOT DRINK COFFEE...  those numbers work out to ONE IN THREE DO NOT DRINK COFFEE...  and, I am wondering how many couple have only one coffee drinker in the home and of those couples, how many have fights or arguments over the mess in the kitchen as a result of those damn coffee makers...  especially when one wants to grind up their own coffee beans.

Do you drink your coffee black or do you add cream and sugar?  Opps...  more of a mess now...  more cleaning...  and, if you stir, how strong is your stirring and does coffee find its way out onto the counter...  or does it drop down onto the floor as you walk into the living room to sit on the couch?

Wives who don't drink coffee SEEM TO HATE COFFEE DRINKERS unless they are guests and then they are forced to keep their opinions to themselves which pisses them off even more.

Enjoy your coffee!!! 

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