Tuesday, December 29

Who Are We Kidding?



A Fist of Violence for PEACE

American has been divided for a long time...  it's just recently that situations in this country have made the division worse...

We have always been divided on WEALTH but it is getting worse
We have always been divided on RACE but it is getting worse
We have always been divided on POLITICS but it is getting worse
We have always been divided on LAW ENFORCEMENT but it is getting worse
We have always been divided on GENDER and it remains about the same

Black Lives Matter have brought to our attention how law enforcement and a lot of white folks are racially biased...  and, as a way of appeasing the movement, several Confederate Statues have been removed from public property... and now BLACKS will no longer be reminded each day of slavery...  but, that WILL NOT STOP RACISM on either side of the equation...

Blacks HATE Whites as much as Whites HATE Blacks...  otherwise, this racial issue would have resolved itself.

Just like in a marriage both sides have to agree to change...  if you just ask one side to change their attitudes and behavior without the other side doing the same...  DIVORCE is inevitable and actually should be required or mandated...  since two parties are involved...

The same holds true for BLACKS...  who don't change but expect WHITES to change first so they can make sure the change is real and not just pretend.  It is that suspicion that will always be a deal breaker.

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