Friday, December 11

Freedom of Choice

Philosophy of Choice  --  is a corollary of the proposition of free will or the ability voluntarily to decide to perform one of several possible acts or to avoid action entirely.   An ethical choice involves ascribing qualities such as right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse to alternatives.

In order to have a Corollary, one must form a proposition or concept from a proposition or concept that has already been proven...  therefore, ONE'S CHOICE(S) comes from ONE'S FREE WILL...  and FREE WILL means one's ability to act with one's own discretion...  therefore, making choices without influences either external or internal...  however, exercising one's free will is always contingent upon all factors that may influence the outcome of that decision.

Psychology of Choice  --  explores subconsciously why people make the choices they do as they decide making decision based upon two or more options; what motivates us to make these decisions, and what these choices are meant to satisfy within us. 

Our subconscious refers to that part of the mind which is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings...  and, it may be difficult to accept having parts of our mind not being fully aware of anything...  it would seem that our mind is either aware or not aware...  BUT, that logic is INCORRECT.

When one reflects upon these definitions, one should come to the conclusion that we NEVER exercise our FREE WILL and/or CHOICES without some sort of external or internal influences which could be seen as an INTERACTION OF FORCES...

Even Jesus's choices were influenced by His Father, God...  Jesus never exercised his free will without first considering the influences and the potential outcomes of his free will, or what was motivating his free will and/or choices.

Whether we like it or not, we can never escape these influences or motivators of our behavior and our FREE WILL is NEVER exercised without influences even though we think it is just us who is making these choices.  We never makes choice on our own.  We never exercise our free will on our own, regardless of what anyone else tells you.


do we really have 


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