Sunday, October 11

Buffalo Tails and Gossip

On every mental intersection there is a corner that must be navigated to get to the next intersection, hoping that one of these intersections will lead to a bridge that takes me to the other side of my thoughts that will eventually allow me to escape the realities of my Sunday afternoon daydreams...  but, the bridge is never found and the intersections continue and turns are taken to the right and left in a desperate effort to escape my own mental limitations of time and space that dwell in the bullet-time memories of The Matrix even though there are no opposing droids from which I must escape.

Nonetheless, there is an ever present need to cope with the Sunday Afternoon Doldrums in which I find myself today as I sit on the back porch listening to the rain pop on the leaves of the trees that guard my Southern Country Chalet in such a way that neighbors cannot see me if I were to decide to go skinny dipping in my hot tub...  

An early evening rain closes the day as it increases the humidity and tests the sensitivities of an older body whose past times are spent on the back porch remembering the family gossip that so often passed from mouth-to-mouth in the days before the television and all the worthless channels provided by cable for a ridiculous price so that employment can be offered to dead beats...

We had the generation of World War II and then the generation of The Korean War that seemed to overlap a tad, and then The Vietnam War that was a National Disgrace followed by TWENTY YEARS of wars in the Middle East...  and now, I am not sure which generation or generations are out there except that they all seem to think that THEY DESERVE EVERYTHING simply because their mother's made mistakes and got pregnant and never considered a government funded abortion...

My generation has been abandoned...  left out on the ice to die which was the Eskimo Tradition in Alaska.  My retired status keeps my footprints out of the marketplace and my SOCIAL SECURITY is paid by those who don't give a shit if I live or die.  By the time these youngsters realize that they have had their heads up their asses most of their lives, I'll be dead and living in an afterlife somewhere in the universe.

The only things that seem to be growing these days are the stupidity of the DEMOCRATIC Party and the ECONOMY and MILITARY of CHINA...

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