Tuesday, October 13

Perhaps Decades or More...

The Republican controlled SENATE will confirm the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court and the court will begin to lean in the direction of a strict interpretation of the US Constitution regarding how our Founding Fathers intended it to be rather than interpreting the US Constitution based upon the changes among the people to reflect a more progressive nature...

What's wrong with having a progressive nature?

Nothing...  other than it could be just temporary...  today, we may think that the LGBTQ community needs to be protected and in decades from now we may think otherwise...  why change the Constitution just because our feels towards LGBTQ's has changed.

It is possible that if the 2020 election or some future election gives the Democrats a President and a simple majority in the House and in the Senate, the size of the Supreme Court could be changed...  in this increased...  and then those vacancies could be filled with Liberal Justices which would then possibly favor a re-writing of the US Constitution to reflect a more progressive country.

How would a senior citizen be impacted by a Liberal or a Conservative Supreme Court?

To my knowledge, the only issues for Senior Citizens might be the FIRST and SECOND Amendments which could curtail freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to own a firearm...

Of course, it is highly unlikely that this will happened...   and right now, most of the key decisions to be made by the Supreme Court deal with:
  • abortion
  • late term abortion
  • LGBTQ rights
  • discrimination
  • taxation
  • states rights
Most, if not all of these issues, have very little impact on senior citizens...

In fact, most of the cases that travel through the court system and reach the Supreme Court are reflective of 1 or only a few people...  and have nothing to do with the whole of society...  like reading a person his rights after being arrested...

Personally, none of this really concerns me nor should it concern you unless you think your rights have been violated or you believe that someone has violated your rights...  but, even if that were true, what frigging difference does it make...

Say a person gets kicked off of a social media forum because the person broke the rules
That person can start a blog
Now, let's assume that person violates the blog rules and the blog is taken down
That person can write a book
Now, let's assume that that person cannot get their book published
That person can self publish or that person can just forget about it

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