Showing posts with label Poor People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poor People. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 6

It's Just The Way It Is

It really does not matter what our Federal Government wants to do anymore because whatever it is that they do will not really impact a majority of Americans other than increasing taxes.  Taxes pretty much effects everyone, but if we move into actual socialism what will change?  The poor will get more but they still will not have as much as the rest of us.

The poor will still be able to afford to do any of the following:
  • Attend musical concerts
  • Professional Sports Events
  • Buy a $200,000 homes
  • Buy a Luxury Cars
  • Book passage on Cruise Ship
  • Fly to Europe or Hawaii
  • Join the Country Club
  • Buy new clothes every year
  • Pay down their debt
  • Earn a 6 figure income
  • Gamble at Los Vegas

NOTE:  however it is possible to get seats in the nose bleed section of an outdoor arena and stadium but it is doubtful that the individual will be able to see unless there is a large movie screen...  and, if you are watching the action on a screen, it is really no better than staying home.

There is always the possibility that poor people can borrow money to do these things but after a while their credit will sour when they don't pay anything off.

Still...  if this new administration grants free college tuition to people then those poor people who dropped out of high school or just barely graduated from high school will be able to attend college...  but, are the odds on their side to pass courses?  YES...  because the schools they are attending will DUMB DOWN education for them.

The other question is will they get hired by employers and if so, how long will they remain employed when they have trouble producing?

As Americans receive more and more from their Federal Government, people like me who are RETIRED and don't need anything more, will also receive more from their Federal Government...  and, since our income is low, our tax burden is low as well.

TAXES will come from CORPORATIONS and the WEALTHY...

But, will the WEALTHY be allowed to put their money in offshore accounts to reduce their tax burdens?

And, will CORPORATION hire less people and/or increase prices to compensate for higher taxes?

Whatever happens will happen and whatever happens was supposed to happen from the getgo...  because...