Showing posts with label What is Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is Life. Show all posts

Thursday, August 5

What is Life

In 1943, one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, famous for his equation and his cat, Erwin Schrödinger, turned his attention to a problem that was seemingly simple but defied an easy answer. As World War 2 raged, he published a book titled What is Life?

Based on a series of lectures given in Dublin, the book’s theme was to answer the question: “how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?”

In other words: What is Life? Or, from a physicist’s point of view, how can life arise from inanimate matter.

Much of the lecture discussed the requirement for genetic material and some sort of encoding as well as how life related to thermodynamics — the laws governing energy, heat transport, and disorder.

Although their success largely depended on Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction experiments, Francis and Crick would also credit Schrödinger’s work for inspiring their research resulting in the discovery of the DNA double helix.

Schrödinger’s primary insight is that life creates order from disorder. In a universe governed by the 2nd law of thermodynamics, that all things tend to maximal disorder, living things maintain small enclaves of order within themselves. Moreover, if you look down to the atomic level, you find that the interiors of living things are extremely chaotic. Heat and molecules diffuse through rapid motion. Everything seems random. Yet the living thing persists, turning all that small scale chaos into large scale order.

Human built machines, by contrast, attempt to maintain order down to the smallest relevant levels. Microchips, for example, depend on orderly transfer of data down to nanometers. Precision machine tools, likewise, function because they have an exact specification at nearly the molecular level. The result is that human tools require careful protection and maintenance and break easily when subjected to the elements.

Life, on the other hand, has withstood the elements for billions of years precisely because it is able to build order out of chaos.  READ MORE

Tuesday, May 11

What is Life?

A question from the 1960's that lead to the purpose of life...  our reason for existence...  and, many people from the sixties and from today really don't give a shit about the purpose of life as long as they continue to have opportunities to make money or take advantage of positive situations that have been presented to them...  for example, a friend of mine recently told me that his neighbor "back in the day," convinced him to purchase Walmart Stock at the time that Walmart was just opening its first couple of stores and needed cash.

He purchased that stock for about $1.25/share.  And, over the years, the dividends from that stock paid for college tuition for all of his children.

He was in the right place at the right time and for some reason LISTENED to the advice that he was given by a neighbor...  he could have just as easily ignored that same neighbor...  but, he did not...

SO...  what caused him to take that action?

No one can actually say...

BUT...  some people simply have GOOD FORTUNE on their side while others do not.  so...  is this what life is?

OR...  does life tilt to a religious side of awareness?   There is no doubt in my mind that there is a CREATOR but there are many questions in my mind regarding our global myths of gods and goddesses and the fact that it could be nothing more than visits from extraterrestrials.

OR...  does life focus on SURVIVAL?  The key word for life regarding humans, animals, fish, and fowl revolves around this concept of SURVIVAL...  Our sole purpose on earth is simply do what we can to continue to live.

Life does not have to be just for the wealthy or the well off.  In fact, if we look at those two categories, only about 20% of our population reside in those two categories...  and that 80%  of our population live life for the most part, paycheck to paycheck or perhaps just a little bit better than that.  

And yet, their lives for the most part are just as fulfilling as the wealthy and well off...

Money does not always make you happy...  it just allows you to do what others cannot do...

BUT LIFE IS LIFE...  and DEATH IS DEATH...  and what happens in between is LIFE.