Sunday, June 19

A Little Light Thinking is in Order


The trinity of the homo sapiens...  and that unique characteristic that differentiates from animal, fish, and fowl, no matter how large...  while we share different bodies and similar organs in some species as well as a limited capability mind, no other creature or species is in possession of a soul...  even though some believe that our soul is the spark of life...  Our spark of life is the fertilization of an egg, but then we still have a soul.  So, what is it that our soul is connected to?  

Some believe it is a vast cosmic consciousness that appears to float aimlessly in our universe.  Others believe it to be the spiritual connection to the trinity of God.  Still, others believe that our soul enables us to distinguish good from evil...  However, in the realm of the universe, there is no good or evil, just existence or non-existence, action, and opposing action.

Each part of the homo sapiens trilogy must be acknowledged and nourished if one is to live a fulfilling life....  with the understanding that a fulfilling life is the equality of the trio.  Oftentimes, we address one of the three and sometimes two of the three but never all three simultaneously...  which seems a little odd to me given our so-called common sense and intelligence.

Typically lacking is the soul or spirit if you prefer but it is not about being religious or not religious...  it is about being spiritual and spirituality is not necessarily a religion or belief as much as it is an understanding of a concept.  The concept is that something extremely superior to us created this universe as well as its purpose.  Religious Faith points to a God, Jesus, and a Holy Spirit and if one believes in Jesus then one has a pathway to heaven and eternal life.  Given the size of the universe (that is still expanding) that concept no longer seems to fit, if it ever did...  and yet, there must be a creator.

Can you imagine the explanations that will be tossed around by religious leaders when science finally proves the existence of multiple dimensions and multiple verses in which there is an over-abundance of life as if the universe was some well-stocked fishing pond.

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