Wednesday, March 15

We All Have TIME in Common

TIME is something that we do not really consider until it moves SLOW or FAST and then that realization typically bothers us...

Obvious Facts

  • 60 minutes in an hour
  • 24 hours in a day
  • 30/31 days in a month (except Feb)
  • 12 months in a year
  • 10 years in a decade
  • 8-10 decades in our lives
  • we get older not younger

TIME always moves forward...  never backwards...  although some of us take photos or digital images of our past as memories...

Our features change as we age
  • Hair thins and falls out
  • Hair turns grey
  • Our weight increases
  • Our hearing & eyesight decays
  • Our physical abilities lessen
  • We get diseases

One concept that has never changes is that YOUTH never thinks about GETTING OLD...
Youth makes fun of old age...
Youth tries to flaunt their young bodies...
Youth does not see beyond today...

AGE does not necessarily give you WISDOM...  but it does give you lots of experiences...  and, from those experiences, one is supposed to gain wisdom however that seldom happens...  as very few people internalized the lessons learned from experience as they see no benefit in doing that...  therefore, their same youthful behavior continues...  yet, it is only in their minds as their bodies have deteriorated.

Some bodies deteriorate faster than others and sometimes that is heredity or simply just the luck of the draw, but more often than not, it is because they did not take care of themselves while they were young...  that is to say:
  • minimum drug use
  • minimal tobacco use
  • minimal alcohol use
  • eating healthy
  • daily exercise
  • good sleep habits
  • learning to manage stress

The human race is different in its ethnicities, skin colors, religious beliefs, political beliefs, life after death beliefs, height, weight, intelligence, athletic skills, artistic skills, etc.  

  • Communists grow old
  • Socialists grow old
  • Atheists grow old
  • Religious finatics grow old
  • Entrepreneurs grow old
  • Warriors grow old
  • Loyalists grow old
  • Pacifists grow old
  • Freedom seekers grow old

How should we use our time?
This is the question that has been around ever since the first human being started thinking, conceptualizing, and rationalizing as a way to justify and/or explain their purpose...  here on earth...
  1. Should we try to control as much as we can?
  2. Should we try and earn as much money as we can?
  3. Should we accumulate as many assets as we can?
  4. Should we just live everyday as best as we can?
  5. Should we make as many friends as we can?
  6. Should we have as many children as we can?
  7. Should we live our lives according to our faith?
TIME...   Time...   time...   we all eventually run out of time...

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