Sunday, March 26

A White Southerner's Perspective

The end of March has finally arrived and instead of walking at the Community Center and paying a $1 for each visit, I can walk outside and enjoy the fresh air.

The end of March has also put me into a position where I had to mow the lawn which might be a couple of weeks early this year.  But again, more outside time.

Before I got as old as I am, I preferred warm weather to cold but the heat of humidity forces me inside...  except when I am at Myrtle Beach as there is always a breeze and the humidity does not bother me...

It is hard to say how many Americans prefer warm to cold weather as there are still tons of people living up north...  and, as far as I am concerned they can stay up north.

I guess I am prejudice when it comes to northerners and southerners as my preference is with the latter.  The former are typically impolite and very rude and more often than not, are egotistical and stuck up with theirselves...

Does that make me racist?  Or, is being a racist just between blacks and whites?  For what it's worth, I think we have more blacks down south than in the north...  and, I wonder if making that statement makes me a racist?

Someone, not too long ago said Blacks could not be racist...  ONLY WHITES...  blacks act the way they do because it is a white society in the US of A...

Well, that shit got me to wondering...  and, it appears that Blacks only represent 12% of the population and whites represent 60%...  That breakdown has nothing to do with slavery...  what it means is that less blacks were brought to America than whites...   ERGO - it will always be a white society...   until the black population becomes greater than the white population...

Right now, Hispanics at 18% are more likely to challenge the whites than blacks are.  Then, we have the Asians who are building up their ranks as well...

HOWEVER, due to illegal immigration, Hispanics will now grow substantially faster than blacks...  so, I will be really interested in the new demographics data.

I know more northern whites than northern blacks so I am not really sure that the negative feeling held towards northerners actually applies to blacks.   What is interestingly curious is that I have no feeling at all towards southern blacks.

The only time I ever think about blacks at all is when BLM is bitching about whites not doing what they are demanding whites to do fast enough.  Personally, I am not going to do a damn thing for blacks, except be nice and respectful to them.

Will I ever invite them over to dinner?  Probably not.

Will I ever want to go to a black church with them?  Probably not.

Will I ever go vacationing with them?  Probably not.

Will I ever play golf with them?  I don't play golf.

When my wife gets a tan in the summer and changes her skin color from white to a dark tan, is she being a RACIST?

I never thought about it being a black face...  but I suppose one could argue that it is...

Is she making fun of  blacks when she gets a summer tan?


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