Saturday, March 25

On Being Informed

I watch the news each morning on FOX News...  it is always depressing...  I used to watch the news on CNN and CBS, but discovered they were not sharing all of the news, just what suited their liberal agendas...

For me, that is called CENSORSHIP

I want to know the news good, bad, or indifferent.  I want to know the news whether it supports my political views or not...  it is up to me, not network news agency to decide what I should or should not know...

The Liberals say that Black Lives Matter...  and, I agree but what about all the other lives?  Do they not matter?  Only Blacks?

Is this how we want to stay informed?

The Liberals say that ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is ok, despite what our laws say...

Does this mean that we should just ignore all the laws with which we disagree?

And what of all the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCS of all this ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, should we just ignore that as well?

Do we even know what those consequences might entail?  Do we really care?

The Liberal say that CHINA is just a friendly competitor and that we should treat this with kindness...


our own military says that China might be stronger than us and that they want to TAKE OVER THE WORLD...

Who do we believe?

Who cares if China takes over the world?  

China just might be a better GLOBAL LEADER than the USA?

You never thought of that, did you?

Is is because you are not INFORMED?

Our US Constitution and The Bill of Rights, provides us with the FIRST AMENDMENT...  which is bascially FREEDOM OF SPEECH....  that freedom entails knowing both sides of what is going on in the world today...   which means, we should know the LIBERAL SIDE as well as the CONSERVATIVE...  if one side is censored, then we are NOT INFORMED...

How ignorant do you want to be for the rest of your life?

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