Wednesday, March 29

Living in a UTOPIA

 UTOPIA means an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.

PERFECT means conforming absolutely to an ideal type.

Based upon those two definitions, a UTOPIA will never exist but we can imagine

My UTOPIA would include the following:

1.  Everyone would live disease free wit hthe body of a 60 year old for 150 years

2.  Everyone would have all the food, shelter, transportation,  clothing and vacations they ever whether they worked or not

3. Since work is optional, there would be no need for education except for the pleasure of pursuing knowledge

4.  There would be no wars - no agression or terrorism of anykind

5.  What would we do all day?

  • fornicate
  • eat
  • drink
  • walk around
  • take photographs
  • paint pictures
  • sail in boats
  • spend time at a beach
  • write
  • play with animals
  • grow flowers
  • hunt wild animals
  • travel around the world
  • worship
  • exercise

6.  Anything that you ever wanted to do or own would be free

7.  No taxes would be collected

8. Suicide would be outlawed

9.  If you commited a crime, your freedoms and all privileges would be taken away

10.  There would be no competition of any sort as no one likes to lose

11.  There would be no need for marriage and if children were born, the the government would take care of them, if the couple having children did not want them

12.  If you wanted to get a home bigger than your current needs, then you would need to get married and have children or work

13.  The need for greed would be satisfied with work

14.  The need for power and control would be satisfied with work

15.  If one worked, they worked as long as they wanted and then they could leave

16.  Work would be considered a form of slavery as someone would always be working for someone else

17.  No one could take another person's property

18.  All laws could be challenged in court

19.  There would be no governments nor would there be any countries

20.  You could not disrupt another person's happiness or pursuit of happiness without breaking the law

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