Tuesday, March 28

Saving My Money

The Biden Administration has not just waged a war on gasoline and natural gas, but they are trying to push the entire country into green energy too quickly.

This push is hurting our economy and keeping it from bouncing back after COVID.

Interestingly, while the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe are pushing to go GREEN...  the rest of the world is not just hesitant but refusing to follow our lead,

These non supporting countries are CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA, SOUTH AMERICA, AFRICA, and the MIDDLE EAST...

Surely the Biden Administration can see that the opposition is larger than the PRO GREEN SUPPORTERS...   which means our efforts are offset by their efforts to resist.

the last thing that I am going to do is buy an EV or a HYBRID and throw away my gas stove.
I will be saving money while you are spending your money.

Additionally...  it is widely believed that the Republicans will win the White House and both seats in Congress in 2024...

gasoline will be coming back and the XL Pipeline will continued to be pursued...

This is not to say, that we should not move into green energy...  What half of the USA is saying is...  DON'T MOVE SO FAST.
  • Set up the infrastructure for EVs and Hyrids
  • Set up the electric grid for more power consumption
  • Stop buying EV batteries from China

Until we find an alternative, all of our military aircraft and commercial aircraft MUST USE JET FUEL which comes from PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL...

OIL and NATURAL GAS are not disappearing...  We will always need both.

In 5 years, the EV market will no doubt be perfected which means it will be more sophisticated than it is today in 2023...

In 5 years, I will be 80 years old and my driving will be reduced to a minimum.

It would be cheaper for me to buy an upscale golf cart and use it to drive the mile to the grocery store than spend $60,000+ on an EV.  When I need to go to Knoxville for a doctor's appt., then I can hire an UBER.

Even if the UBER costs me $50 for a round trip and I go once a month, that is $600 per year.  Simple math tells me that I can hire an UBER for 100 years before reaching $60,000...

If my UBER costs doubled then I would be looking at 50 years.  If my monthly visits doubled along with the increased UBER costs, then I am looking at 25 years.

80+25 is 105...  I doubt that I will live that long, but one never knows...

Still, why spend the money???

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