Tuesday, March 28

Born Southern White - Raised a Democrat

 Raleigh, North Carolina was my place of birth and 2-3 years later, the family moved to just outside of Alexandria, Virginia which was just outside of Washington, DC.

Our house was less than 1,000 square feet of space that included 1.5 bathrooms, 3 small bedrooms, a kitchen, dinning room/living area.  We had one vehicle that had no heating or air conditioning as my father said we could wear a coat or sweater if too cold and roll down the window if too hot.  We had heat in the house but no air conditioning.  My father caught a bus for the 8 mile ride to his job in Washington.  My mother operated off a very tight budget and each payday, my dad would put money in envelopes for my mother to use.  If there was not money in the envelope, then we did not buy anything from that envelope.  If we needed extra money for whatever, it was taken from the vacations envelope.

We had chores to do everyday that included making our beds.  My dad used his military training to test the quality of how well the bed was made.  We had to help clean the house and prepare for meals and in the summer, we had chores outside to do to keep the lawn properly manicured.  I sold tomatoes and cucumbers door-to-door in the summer for spending money but had to save half of what I earned.  We went to sunday school and church every sunday, even when we were on vacation.  This process contined until I graduated from high school.

Values of the Democratic Party were drilled into our heads during the dinner meal as we also talked local politics as well as world politics.  Our parents making sure we fully understood that the Democrats helped the middle class and poor class and the Republicans favored the business sector and the wealthy who lived off the hard work of the rest of us.

Oddly enough, my Democratic parents did not believe in a large government nor did they believe in government handouts.  They believe every person should have the courage to build himself up with hard work and persistence.  They were against socialism.

Their indoctrination stayed with me until 1982 when I graduated from Wake Forest University with an MBA.  I was 35 years old.

It was easy to realize based upon my new training that my parents were not totally correct in what they believed about business and wealthy people.  It was also about that same time that the Democratic Party was changing as they began giving out more and more entitlements and taking us closer to socialism.

Supply side economics was correct.  If you stimulate the supply side of the equation, the demand side will automatically respond in kind.  Stimulating the demand only creates inflation and a shortage of supply.  Increased wages will not cause businesses to produce more.  It will cause them to produce less in order to preserve profits.  Stockholders control the busnesses and stockholders are made up of people like you and me...

While I now gravitate towards the conservative points of view, I am not yet a Republican because some of their views I have yet to agree with.  In any event, Government should stay the hell out of our lives.  I am for a small government, a strong military for defense, and low taxes.  Government should not be telling me what I should or should not eat, if I should smoke cigarettes or not, if I should drink alcohol or not, or if I should have an abortion.  THOSE ARE MY DECISIONS and MINE ALONE...

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