Thursday, March 23

Ongoing Global Conflicts




Today, we are witnessing several conflicts going on through the world and yet the only one we know about is the Russia/Ukraine war...

We only know about this war, because our media only chooses to report the news of this war, as the perceive it impacts us the most...  all the others are just not news worthy...

The news outlets report all the crime and violence going on in the big cities throughout the USA, and some report on the illegal immigration that is taking place along with all the illegal drugs that are pouring into our country...


in East TN, we are immune to all of this shit that the rest of you have to put up with...  there is no big city within spitting distance of where we live, so we are not exposed to crime and violence nor are we exposed to illegal drugs.   And, as far as the illegal immigrants are concerned...   well, they just have not made their way up to East TN yet and if they do, we here in TN will simply ignore them...  until they mess with us and then....  since we are a right to carry state, I believe we will start seeing local residents wearing handguns on this hips...   it's nothing personal, it just our property and we aim to protect it...

It's weird, ain't it, how wearing a firearm, prevents violence...   We also have the CASTLE LAW, so step onto our property (castle) and we'll blow your ass away quicker than stink on shit.

Me personally...  I don't own a gun and never will...  Will I support the 2nd Amendment, I believe it was a temporary measure...  but since it is still around then it has to be honored like all of our laws...  except for the law of illegal immigration as that one seems to be ignored.

TN is a land-locked state so when the north ans south poles start melting, we may have beach front property...  won't that be a hoot.

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