Monday, March 27


There is some controversy around whether the week begins on Sunday or Monday.  I have always thought that the week began on Mondays and that Sundays ended the week as well as ended the weekend.

However, if you look at the Monthy Calendars, they always begin on SUNDAYS and end on SATURDAYS.

So, does that mean they are right?

I suppose beginnng the week on Sunday makes sense from a religious standpoint...  so that we can infuse our religious teachings into how we work rather than informing us as to how we should have lived.

Still, it bothers me somehow that we begin a work week with a day off and end our work week with a day off...  Beginning with a day off does not seem to instill a strong work ethic...  although, some could argue that the day off is to prepare ourselves mentally for a hard week of work.

I suppose that makes sense.  But, my parents always told me to work first, then rest.  And, that still makes me think the week should start on Monday.

However, another logical conclusion to draw is that both Saturday and Sunday begin with "S"...   therefore and to avoid confusion, one should place one "S" on one side of the week and the other "S" on the other side...

I have always had the notion that you work for 5 days and have two days off...  sometimes you work for 6 days and have one day off...   it makes very little sense to have a day off, then work for five days and have a day off.

BUT...  this is just my weird way of looking at it.

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