Thursday, March 30

AI & the Human Condition

 Americans love technology...  Technology companies love technology even more, because of all the revenues it generates...  Technology is making lots of people wealthy as Americans demand more and more technology to make their lives easier and more enjoyable...



We have smart phones and cmputers

We have smart homes and vehicles

We have the internet and social media forums

We have advances in medical technology/surgeries

We have advances in building construction/aircraft

We have Artificial Intelligent Robots that are replacing jobs...

And, it is this last point that, I personally, will become a huge problem once it is incorporated into our lifestyles and into our societies all over the world.

I enjoy watching Scifi movies where robots take over society because they have become sentient.  While this may or may not happen (?), it will be several decades before it does and by then we will have safeguards built into our programming codes to prevent this from ever happening.

However... until then...      AI/ROBOTS will change our society forever and many people are now believing it will not be for the better...

The biggest concern will be the replacement of jobs and what will those displaced workers do???

  • Will they remain unemployed
  • Will they be retrained
  • Will they built robots

What jobs will be replaced?

  1. customer service executives
  2. bookkeeping, data entry, receptionists
  3. manufacturing 
  4. pharmaceutical
  5. retail and courier services
  6. doctors and soldiers
  7. taxi and bus drivers
  8. market research analysts
  9. security guards
  10. restaurant workers

The World Economic Forum (2023) declared that AI/ROBOTS would replace 80,000,000 jobs in 2025.  This is only 2 years away...  what will happen between 2025-2030?  

Technology is moving faster than anticipated and that progression is like a tidal wave and once it crests and begins to fall, the chaos will be devastating...  and when that happens, how quick will OUR GOVERNMENT respond?

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