Thursday, March 16

Social Justice

United Nations
. “Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.”

...Particularly those in greatest need...

So, if someone has a greater need than someone else then they DESERVE MORE SOCIAL JUSTICE...

How do you reconcile the social justice 

I want to pay $3,000 to a university (name hidden) to take a class in THEORETICAL PHYSICS and the reason why I am willing to pay that amount of money is because of the reputation of the professor...  however, because of social justice, there is another professor who isn't not as intellectually brilliant as the original professor but who the university assigns to teach the class BECAUSE OF SOCIAL JUSTICE...

I realize that the less intelligent professor has a greater need but what about my need(s) as the paying customer?

What about being forced to marry an ugly woman because of social justice?

What about Michael Jordan not being able to play for the Chicago Bulls because of social justice?

Here's a good one...
Should we elect a DUMBASS for President because of social justice?

Maybe we should hire a pilot to fly a commercial airplane who just barely passed the Pilot's exam because of social justice...  and just hope and pray that he lands the plane safely.

In theory and perhaps on paper the concept of social justice seems like it is justified, but putting it into practice is going to be frought with problems...

Someone who is biased?
Someone who is mentally challenged?
Someone who is black?
Someone who is not yet 21 years of age?

What credentials should this decision maker have?
How much experience should this person have?

Will social justice treat blacks and WHITE TRASH the same?

Would you want a jury of your peers to decide a murder case based upon selecting the jury on the criteria of social justice?

LET'S FACE THE TRUTH HERE...  Social Justice is designed to HELP BLACKS ONLY...  because there are a group of people who think that just because the blacks don't have skills, talents, or intelligence, that they should be helped...
  • 90% of the NBA is black
  • 80% of the NFL is black
  • We have numerous black actors and actresses
  • We have numerous black millionaires and billionaires
  • We have many black musicians, artists, writers...etc.
These people were successful without SOCIAL JUSTICE...
Why do you think that happened?

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