Thursday, March 16

Robots - Jobs and Illegal Immigration

There is one issue that concerns me when it comes to the future of the USA...  and this concern revolves around technology and ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION...

While there are many people smarter than me, I wonder if any of these smart people have performed a correlation analysis on jobs lost due to robots and the percentage of illegal immigrants looking for low wage employment?

According to the Forbes Technology Council: insurance underwriting, warehouse and manufacturing jobs, customer service, research and data entry, long haul trucking and a somewhat disconcertingly broad category titled “Any Tasks That Can Be Learned.”

These are broad categories to say the least and encompass damn near anything...  but the point is that the jobs that are being lost due to robots are AMERICAN JOBS NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT JOBS...

Where will these American go to find work?

Where will these illegal immigrants go to find work?

The other concern is what will happen to our economy when all these robots replace jobs and consumer spending goes down...  I am assuming that robots will not be purchasing goods and services...  so, if Americans and Illegal Immigrants are not spending money in the economy, then the result is that consumer spending goes DOWN...

Since the expenditure of robots will be prorated over several years and could also be seen  as a sunk cost, as it is a one time only expenditure, then will PRICES GO DOWN?  Or, will companies keep prices up to increase revenues?

It is widely believe that robots will create more jobs than they replace, and while the logic in that seems sound, it is faulty because building robots is SKILLED LABOR and the jobs that robots will be taking is UNSKILLED LABOR...

It is my humble opinion that the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT issue is going to cause lots of problems in a couple of years as they consume resources and give back very little.  What are the odds that 80% of the Illegal Immigrants will ever learn to speak English?

How will we educate and train these Illegal Immigrants if they cannot speak English.  Hire people who speak English but who are not really educators?

Being a teacher is a skilled profession....

Technology is great and I enjoy it more than you can ever imagine, but with our advances in technology will come problems and if we don't anticipate those problems, we will have ourselves ONE PISSED OFF SOCIETY...


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