Thursday, March 2


 Of course, there is RACISM in the US of A...  and, it has been around long before I graduated from High School in 1966...

Was it brought about by Slavery???

NOOOO!!!  and I say this because, if that were true, there would be no RACISM in the North or in the West...  yet, we have racism throughout the United States...

It is easy for blacks to point to slavery as the root cause, because they do not want to blame themselves.

For instance, we have plenty of black professional athletes, hollywood actors and actresses, musicians, and artists and yet very few of them have bent over backwards to help other blacks.

Hell...  we even had a BLACK PRESIDENT and how did other blacks fare during his 8 years in office...  NO DIFFERENT THAN ANYOTHER PRESIDENT...  so, why was that???

It is true that BLACKS have not had the same advantages as WHITES...  that is in part because of where their parents lived.  For example...  education is better in the north than in the south... and, this pertains to both blacks and whites...  which points to geographical location moreso than color of skin.

Another factor that many have failed to realize is demographics...  

  • 60% of the US population are caucasian
  • 12% of the US population are black
Therefore, there will be 5 times more whites hired than blacks provided their qualifications are all similar...

There are more black drug dealers than white drug dealers.  Part of this reality is geographical location and part of this reality is education.  However, a drug dealer in the North can earn more income than a while college graduate in the South.  The odds of going to jail are minimal...  BESIDES...  most black drug dealers sell to white buyers and not to black buyers.

More lower income white trash served in Vietnam than blacks...  but there are not any blacks who bitch about that injustice...  IN FACT, wealthy blacks have learned to play the game in America that is open to both whites and blacks.

80% of Professional Football Players are Black
90% of Professional Basketball Players are Black

Have you ever heard the BLACKS complain about that?
No you have not...
They are bitching about there not being enough BLACK COACHES...
Go Figure...

If I have WHITE PRIVILEGE...  then, I have never used it.  I did not use my privilege to get into the best colleges or universities.  I went to a small four year college that no one ever heard about.
I did not get my parents to pay for my college education...  I enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam War and earned the GI Bill which paid for my college and grad school.  Plus, I worked full time while attending college, and studied my ass off to get the grades...  I did not just memorize for the test and forget.

I did not use my white privilege to acquire employment, I started at the bottom and worked my way up.  I applied for jobs that BLACKS did not want.

I am pissed off at the demands of the BLACKS and don't understand why they are bitching about SLAVERY that does not apply to them anymore.  They need to ask themselves, why do other BLACKS succeed and I DON'T?

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