Friday, March 17

New Technology

 Isn't it amazing how some of us...  like myself...  get stupider as we get older instead of smarter...  while that stupidity is not across the intellectual board, it does mostly pertain to technology, and more specifically to computers and cell phones, with cell phones being at the top of the list. 

My phone company sent me an email saying I could get an $850 Samsung S23 phone for $150 (providing I turned in my LG) and since that was a good deal and my LG was about 5 years old, I decided to take the deal.

My Samsung S23 arrived today and I felt dumber than homemade shit trying to get it setup without having to call my phone for support...  as those young kids that answer always made you feel rather old and stupid (which I am) when it comes to a simple process of ugrading a phone.

Well, the instructions seem simple enough, providing you understand them and when you don't really understand what they are asking you to do, you feel like preparing for a colonoscopy would be easier.

After 90 minutes, I finall got on the right page so to speak and my phone starting perking along just like a Bunn coffee pot, transferring the data from my old phone to my new phone via some sort of switch app.  It must have worked fine because, all my apps are there including my phone contacts and photos.  The only item that did not transfer were my quick memos, which I sent to my gmail acct as a pdf attachment.  I can download that later.

One would think that an android phone is an android phone...  but, that is not the case as my Samsung operates differently than my LG.  It will take me a couple of days to get comfortable with this new phone and then I will feel stupid because I had earlier let myself feel stupid.

The life of a tech newbie...

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