Friday, March 17

My Life So Far...

 I was born in 1947, 75 years ago and if I were to look back at all that I have experienced, I would have to say that I have had a satisfactory life...  that is not to say my life has been filled with its share of ups and down...

I gew up in Alexandria, Virginia, was a member of the NRA, BSA, the DeMolay, and the Mt. Vernon Guard.  I was very athletic.  I went to high school in Cairo, Egypt and traveled throughout Europe in the summer months.  I am a veteran of the Vietnam War, and a college graduate that includes grad school with an MBA.  Either I personally paid tuition or my tuition was paid for by the GI Bill.  My 45 year career revolved around middle to upper management in the field of education.  I have experienced more negative relationships with my supervisors than positive and was glad to be able to finally retire at age 67.

For the first 5 years of our retirement, my wife and I went somewhere for a week, every other month.  These trips included:  US contiguous States, Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Europe which also included 10 cruises.

My health was in perfect condition until age 60 when I suffered a heart attack and was told I had Lymphoma.  Five years later, I was diagnosed with Melanoma.  Last year, I had L2-L3-L4-L5-S1 disks fused together and while I am walking fine now, I cannot walk fast, nor can I put on my underwear and pants when sitting in a chair.  I have not notice other limitations yet.  I walk a mile each day and ride a stationary bike 3 miles each day.

I don't smoke, drink, use drugs, and eat a fairly healthy diet that consists of fish, chicken, turkey, beans, vegetables, and fruit.  I make a conscious effort to eat between 1,000-1,800 calories per day.

If I am fortunate, I will live another 15-20 years.  My father lived to 89 and my mother 95, so the odds are in my favor.

My lifestyle is very simple.  My wife and I have been debt free for over 15 years and have no intentions of changing that status.  We spend most of our time at home, vacationing at Myrtle Beach, SC twice each year.  We eat dinner out once or twice a week.  Most of my time is spent publishing daily posts on my two blogs and writing novels.

My novels are typically 100,000 words in length and are about a variety of fictional topics.  One day I will look into publishing them on Amazon KDP but for the moment, I just enjoy writing them.  I have written 8, working on number 9, and have prepared a chapter outline for number 10.

Outside of my father accepting a position with the US State Department that was associated with the US Embassy, I have not lived a life a white privilege.  I would have to say that my entire life has been lived in the category of LOWER MIDDLE CLASS, never earning a salary over $50,000 which is right at the national average.

My wife and I have never wanted for anything, always having more than we needed or exactly what we needed.  Part of this need is based upon where we live in East TN which is 15-21% cheaper on average than any other location in the USA.  We would not have been able to live like this in Nashville, Atlanta, Raleigh, or Washington, DC.  I moved to TN in 1990 from Burlington, NC and if I had remained in NC, I WOULD NOT have been able to live as well as I did in TN...  so, location for me was very important and worked to my advantage.

My Life So Far...  has been satisfactory, acceptable, and I would not have traded it for another life.  I cook my own meals, mow my own grass, and perform all outside lawn maintenance rather than hiring someone.  I am glad that I do this because it gives me exercise and keeps me busy.

We  don't have a land line - only cell phones.  We don't have cable but we do have a fiber optic WIFI connection and pay for HULU, Netflix, and Prime via a ROKU device.  Our vehicles were purchased USED in 2015 and when we go to Myrtle Beach we are there from Sunday through Saturday when the rates are their lowest, usually in June and late September.  I have not purchased any new clothes since 2010, except for baseball caps during our 2015-2020 travels...  lol

I don't live like:
  • a millionaire
  • a billionaire
  • a Hollywood celebrity 
  • a rock musician
  • a professional athlete
  • in a gated community
  • in the slums
BUT...  I do think I live pretty damn good...

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