Wednesday, March 22

Living The Good Life

If one wants to live the good life, what does that mean?

  • Free of illnesses...
  • Becoming wealthy or extrememely wealthy...
  • Dying at age 90...  or age 100...
  • Having children...  and grandchildren..,.
  • Never being married...
  • Never being divorced...
  • Never wanting to retire...
  • Having a job you really, really like...
  • Making and keeping many friends...
  • Having just enough money to do whatever you want...
Not many people think about this...  they just live their life at whatever level their income allows...  not worrying about what they have or don't have...  in that sense, ignorance is BLISS...

I remember my dad saying either at Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner that we were living "high on the hog tonight..."  and, I never really asked him what that meant, I always just assumed that it meant we were well off.

I have spent my entire life, living life exactly as I wanted to live it, not necessarily as I should have lived it, could have lived it, or as someone else wanted me to live it...
  • was I living the good life
  • was I happy
  • was I content

When I was diagnosed with cancer, heart issues, and had back surgery to fuse disks together, did that mean I stopped living the GOOD LIFE?

When my daughter decided she no longer wanted to have an association with me, did I stop living the GOOD LIFE?

When my brother and sister no longer wanted to deal with me, did that mean I stopped living the GOOD LIFE?

I DON'T THINK SO...  I think the GOOD LIFE for me (not necessarily others) is accepting and living the life that I have in front of me, without regrets, without looking back, and without looking forward...  although looking forward is somewhat necessary as we age.
  • I need to make sure I eat healthy
  • I need to make sure I exercise
  • I need to make sure that I keep busy
  • I need to make sure I take my pills
  • I need to make sure I self-examine
  • I need to make sure I can pay my bills
  • I need to make sure someone can drive when I cannot
the rest of my life should unfold in such a way that I consistently keep busy...  keeping busy is the GOOD LIFE for me...

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