Saturday, March 18

It's ANTI-AMERICAN to Save Money

 In case you are the least bit interested, our entire FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE SYSTEM is based upon consumer spending consumer buying habits.

For instance, I was looking at the Blueair 7770i air filtration system and when I went on Facebook and hour later, there were several Blueair Marketing Ads as I scrolled through the postings.  How did they get that information so FAST?

It is all tied together as soon as you create a profile and as soon as you sign up with a provider to access the world wide web or what we call the internet.

Our personal data and information is being collected and sold to companies all the time.

It is all designed to get you to BUY a product...  sometimes you are looking for that specific product to actually buy and sometimes you are just surfing to pass the time...  Regardless of your motives and intentions, marketers are trying to sell you stuff and most importantly and more often than not, something that you don't really need.

One of the biggest marketing CONS is LIFE INSURANCE.  After your probationary period, the only way you benefit, is if you die sooner than later.  The later you die, the more money these life insurance companies make off of your premiums...  Most Americans, don't think about the fact that the ODDS are against them dying early.  And, most Americans don't think about those odds and invest the money themselves in a mutual fund...  which is exactly what these insurance companys invest your money in.

Another big CON is how banks try to get you to take our loans, playing on your desires to increase the size of your home, or put a swimming pool in your back yard, or redecorate your kitchen.

However, car dealers are right behind them, putting millions of dollars into commercials to get you to buy the latest vehicle with all the new bells and whistles...

Did it ever occur to you that you DON'T NEED NEW...  You can buy a year old, leased car, with low mileage for several thousands of dollars less that is just as good as a brand new one.

Our Free Market Enterprise System is predicated on YOUR GREED and company's desire to keep Amerian families in DEBT...  If you are in debt you will work harder, change companies less often, and be a more loyal employee so that you can pay off your debt.

Very few people think about saving money...  If money is to be saved, then it must be invested, so we can get MORE...  Investments go up and down and while over a 20-40 year period of time, you can make money, you can during those years LOSE EVERYTHING...

What's wrong with just SAVING MONEY and not spending your money on stuff you don't really need?  I mean, isn't that worth a little thought?

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